So, this year for Christmas we spent the week in San Angelo. Kylie had so much fun... This was the first year that she actually was able to talk about Santa and was generally excited that he would be dropping off toys under the tree. Before we left for our trip we talked to her about Santa and how he gave toys to all the children in the world so they would have something to open on Christmas morning. We also talked to her about the importance of giving so we decided to decorate a paper grocery bag for Santa and we went through all of her toys and she picked out the ones she no longer played with. These toys she put in the bag and left the bag under the tree for Santa to pick up and add to his sack of toys for all of the other boys and girls. We were so proud!
Once we were in San Angelo we were able to spend time with MeMe, BigBud, Uncle Ken and Mema. We went to the ranch, fed the cows, watched the deer and of course ate tons of food. We even sang Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas Day, after all he gave us the biggest gift of all. Kylie also made cookies for Santa with tons of sprinkles, saw tons of "Jesus Lights" (Christmas lights) and opened tons of gifts. She now has her own kitchen stocked with food to cook for Mommy and Daddy a cool new train set and a stroller for Baby. We have to admit Kylie made quite a haul again this year. We have already had to invest in a new storage shelf for all of her goodies. What a year!!!