For Christmas, Grandpa Phil bought Kylie some dress up clothes. So now everytime we watch one of her Tinker Bell movies, Kylie wants to be a Fairy as well. Too Cute!
Here I go again, getting ever so far behind in my blogging. Here is a little bit of what we did for our Christmas in San Angelo.
This year we spent the week with BigBud, MeMe, Jennifer, Waleed & Maren. What a week it was! We spent quite a bit of time with the "Bevos" trying to master the technique of riding them. Well at least Kylie and Maren did. We spent many of our mornings trying to figure out crossword puzzles from the newspaper which in turn took up part of the day and the evenings too. Come to think of it, I don't think we ever finished a single one. We also were able to take the kidlets to see the Christmas lights down at the park. It's amazing how pretty they are each year and how the displays seem to keep growing. What fun it is to look forward to the event each year.
Kylie was also able to make cookies for Santa this year. She loved every minute and took extra care when adding the sprinkles. She must have done a good job since Santa left her a pink 4-wheeler under the tree. Enjoy the pics!!!